Thursday, October 22

Jealousy & Beauty

Yesterday I read a friend of mine’s blog. Suddenly it hit me because that’s what I’ve always thought. I’ve always felt lonely because I could never come to a full understanding of why people do the things people do. Here I am confined in my own little room, in front of a computer for years. I mean years, since I was 9 years old I turned to computers because I felt like I could never interact with people but then again I see my sister having friends into her life so easily yet I’m there without that type of special “power”. People tend to give me weird looks or stay away from me, I mean, do I look scary or that ugly for you to not want to be my friend? That’s what I would think growing up, I still do think that way. Anyways, my friends blog title was “Oh Jealousy”. Why would it be jealousy because truly it is. I always get jealous when I see my sister or friends pictures where she and other friends of theirs/hers would party. It looks like fun, because everybody is smiling hard / laughing hard like they mean it so freely and as if it comes so naturally. They’re surrounded by people and I’m not. There was once in my life where I did go into that scene but that only lasted 2 years, I would drink but I would not understand why people would like the taste of alcohol but yet I force myself to like it. I even got really drunk because I don’t know how to handle my alcohol, most people would think that’s pretty lame but to me it’s okay. So I just join their world to see what it really felt like but deep inside I felt fake, an empty shell, with no meaning of life even more so. So after all that, I decided to leave that type of life behind. I mean, I’d still try to fit in and go to parties but I wouldn’t drink. Then, people would beg me “C’mon drink, it’s fun. It’ll make you more relaxed...”. I’d shrug at the person who offer me a drink like that or force me to play alcohol activities. Slowly I watch them become like animals with no brain function whatsoever, I begin to laugh, not because I’m a cynical type of person but I begin to kind of feel sorry for them. After a while my friends would see that I am not a fun person at all once my true side showed (the person who truly doesn’t drink). No one invites me out, they think I’m not a good person for not drinking. Sometimes I don’t get myself either of why I backed away from that scene, maybe I should’ve continued being an empty shell otherwise the me now wouldn’t feel even more empty. Another thing I don’t understand is, why do people get so sexual when they’re “drunk”? They tend to be touchy touchy. That’s another reason why I don’t like being around people when they drink and another reason is that my father drinks. Growing up, he’d tend to beat me and my mother. That’s the deeper reason of why I don’t want to drink either. My sister drinks and parties hard til she drops. She tells my parents all the time what she does and what she does at bars. I’m there listening and thinking “Where is the fun in that? What is so fun about going to bars and make a fool of yourself with no meaning when the world is way more beautiful to explore than drinking?”.

I find myself confined in these four walls every day battling these thoughts and battling my social anxiety, I get to really think about things and really know what is right for me. I also realize that people also can let you down. They let you down so much that you rather trust yourself than other human beings. People can be so cruel just to not hang out with you. Everyone on this world drinks! Everyone seems to always let me down when I pour myself out to them trying to make friends. I grew up with people NOT coming easily into my life because maybe I look ugly or I looked weird but I continuously put my pride aside and put myself out there, to meet new people. Sadly, REALITY, people are truly ugly. I realized I’m not ugly. The people in this world are ugly. They can use you and spit you out whenever they feel like it. I rather trust my dogs than human beings. There are exceptional people in my life though right now, I’ve only found a couple friends ONLINE who share the same thoughts as me and the same lifestyle as well. I rather go out to a bookstore or coffee store to chitchat with someone or go driving around to a beach or something to share a time with someone. OR stay up all night just talking about ANYTHING, anything at all. It doesn’t even need to sound smart or whatever. Just to talk, to rant, to vent. I rather live life fully than to get drunk and party. But then again, I ask myself if I so strongly feel what I know is right, then why do I get so jealous when I see other people’s pictures where they’re partying and getting “crunk”?

Anyway, onto another subject. I want to break free from my anxiety issue. I want to be free but I’ve realized, the more I’m forcing myself for it to go away, the more it stays. The reason why I want it to go away is because I want to work. I want to help my parents out, I want to feel useful in some way that I can. I want to save up money to buy things that I can give to people or for myself sometimes. I want to save money to travel, to visit these meaningful friends that I’ve met. I also want to be able to travel and hopefully meet that special someone, someone who can show me that there is a fairytale and soulmates truly exist and that it’s not a myth. I want a family of my own, I want that so badly. I am 24 years old and I have nothing. I don’t even have a steady goal for school, not to mention career since I’m not even working. I mean when I look at other 20 to 30 year olds, they already have what I wanted. They already am in universities! Yet here I am, with nothing but in my room. I not only have social anxiety but I have panic disorder and dyslexic. The dyslexic is not really bad as it sounds for me but I have a learning disablitiy where I can’t learn as fast as other people, growing up I was made fun of because of that as well. But I see a lot of shows and stories that people like me have gone far, but why don’t I have the strength to do it? I ask myself where are my strengths gone? Am I going to just fade away like this until I’m 50 and regret how I’ve lived my life? Am I sitting here for my soulmate to come rescue me? <--that part is kind of true. That’s something I kind of want to happen, for my soulmate to know where I am and come find me. And I know nothing like that will ever happen in the real world.

I was telling my friend that I want full control of life. I want things to come to me easily and I can just have it like that. I know that sounds spoiled but I just want it that way. Anyways, I’ve written a lot and my mind is about to go blank so I will end it here & hopefully this doesn’t seem like someone who complains. I am just getting out what I truly feel for years without getting it out in the right way.